Have you ever checked how much time you are spending daily on your smartphone? How many times are you unlocking your phone screen? How long are you scrolling down the Facebook or Instagram feed for a wonderful recipe for unhappiness? We all know (hope ...
Stop listening to other people
When I was a young boy I always listened to my parents, my relatives, and my teachers. I think that was a good behaviour, dictated by my insecurities (bad) and my awareness of not knowing much (good). I still think that kids and impulsive people shoul ...
January 2021 suggestions
This January has been the start of a year from which we expect a lot, after a weird 2020. Well, maybe not "a lot"... just to get back to our normal lives. Things are not getting better right now, but I wanna start to write down my suggestions for books, ...
What to do when you don’t like yourself
There's always something about ourselves that we don't really enjoy. It could be our shyness, our reactions to certain situations, or a bad habit. We usually feel like that's the way we are, and there's nothing we can really do. The next step is to re ...
A bad start
2021 didn't really started well. On the first day of the year I felt sick and intrusive thoughts conquered my mind. And the optimism I had the day before made the situation worst. Also, I realized I'm still not as strong as I supposed to. Things I hoped ...
Goodbye 2020
I've been thinking about what could be the most representative picture of my 2020, but honestly I couldn't find one. One year passes quickly, but a lot of things happen during 365 days… how could one summarize a whole year in just one feeling? How were y ...
Viaggio in moto in Grecia: cosa serve per un’avventura?
Mi capita sempre, di ritorno da qualche viaggio, di incontrare persone che mi dicono cose come “Che bel giro che hai fatto!” o “Che invidia” o ancora “Eh ma sei sempre in giro!”. Con questo post voglio cercare di dimostrare che avventure del genere sono ...
Books to read
When I was a kid, I used to read a lot, mostly because of the influence of an aunt of mine that kept on buying me books. When I grow older I found myself pretty busy, especially because I was focusing on school or university's books. Luckily I redisco ...
My 2019 reading list
One of the commitments I made during the last years is to read more books. Easier said than done. But luckily during the last 3 years I've been reading more, from self-help manuals to novels, passing through philosophic books. In 2019 I've read less t ...