Sync Pocket articles to Kindle using IFTTT
jQuery tablesorter custom sort
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare check_password_reset_key() in WordPress
After upgrading Wordpress on a client website, it happened that I wasn't able to access the admin section. When I went to the wp_login page, I had a "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare check_password_reset_key()" error. Surfing on the Internet, a common sugges ...
WordPress: Change background image based on post category
A client asked me to have a section of her Wordpress website with a different look. In particular, a category (and all the posts inside it) should have a different background image. The first thing I tried was installing a plugin named Background Manag ...
Home Automation standards
Home automation systems usually reside on standard communication protocols. The most used standards are EHS, BATIBUS, EIB, KNX (for the European market) LONTALK, HAVI, CEBUS, X-10 (for the American one) and HBS (Japan). Those standards were the results of ...
Rocksmith 2014: How to play without the Real Tone Cable
In this post I'm gonna show you how to play Rocksmith 2014 using a normal cable. If you've never heard about Rocksmith, well, we could say that it's like Guitar Hero played with a REAL guitar. And when I say REAL, I'm not meaning a controller made like a ...
Twisted web server: How to implement it
In the next paragraphs you will learn hot to run a simple Twisted web server. Twisted is an event-driven networking engine written in Python. It is a framework that provides extremely powerful, scalable and flexible enterprise application integration capa ...
Samsung Galaxy Fit: How to get more internal space
My mom has a nice Samsung Galaxy Fit S5670. The phone is good: it's cheap and pretty fast. But the main problem with this model (and others similar models as well) is the lack of internal storage space. The real problem is that (at least in this Samsung G ...
Come smettere di perdere tempo su Facebook
Ebbene si, per quanto i social network come Facebook, Twitter e Google Plus possano essere utili o addirittura indispensabili per alcune attività, spesso si può aver impressione di passarci troppo tempo. Se vi capita spesso di aprire il browser e quasi au ...