April 2021 suggestions

It seems like in April I'm going backwards a little bit. I don't feel very motivated, due to the weird…

My first months with a Smart band

I've never really liked the idea of wearing a Smartwatch or an activity tracker on my wrist. I think I…

March 2021 suggestions

March arrived without me realizing it. A few things going on with my job, doubts about changing my motorcycle for…

The powerful effect of a cold shower

Since a few months every morning I'm having a cold shower as part of my morning routine. After a workout…

How to get Bitcoins for free

Everybody is talking about Bitcoins, especially after the news about Tesla investing in the cryptocurrency. Maybe it's too late, but…

February 2021 suggestions

February is starting with some hope. Vaccines, less severe laws regarding movement here in Italy, and bars opening. I decided…

A minimalist phone

Have you ever checked how much time you are spending daily on your smartphone? How many times are you unlocking…

Stop listening to other people

When I was a young boy I always listened to my parents, my relatives, and my teachers. I think that…

January 2021 suggestions

This January has been the start of a year from which we expect a lot, after a weird 2020. Well,…

Young fisherman turned vegan

I want to tell you the story of this kid. Since he was 8 years old, he got used to…